Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Bit About How I've Been

Hello everyone :)
Well, I just thought about sharing some stuff I did this year, as I've been pretty busy :p
First of all, I'm studying fashion design, yay! I'll probably make an special post about this later, but basically I absolutely adore my classes and what we do. I mean, I'm doing what I love *-*
Secondly, I've got the cutest boyfriend ever after so many heartbreaks and stuff. I'll try to get him to write a post here, or maybe do a "My BF does my make-up" video, but I can't promise anything :p
Thirdly, I've become an addicted gamer (Hi my name is Milla and I'm addicted! - Hi Millaaaaaaaaaa). I've discovered this is cool even though most girls don't play games...

Okay, maybe I haven't been soooo busy. Just kind of. Anyway.
Well bye, I've forgotten how to write decent blog posts so that's it.
Xoxo :*


Anonymous said...

lol i definitely want to watch this bf stuff :D

Anonymous said...

i told u to die bitch

Anonymous said...

aw cute