Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Apology...

Hey everyone!
MY GOSH GUYS! I AM REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY. I mean, I stayed months without posting a shit here, and then when I come back I promise you I'm posting something every day and then I just don't post!!!!!!!!! WTF, you might be thinking.
I really had absolutely no time to post anything here, specially because I'm in the last year of High School. That's a crazy year, you know. I mean, I don't know yet if I'm gonna be a journalist, a writer, a jewellry/shoe designer, a prom/pageant dress designer, a photographer, a boutique owner, a beauty salon owner, the next Coco Chanel or if I'm dieing my hair blond, getting new boobs, buying a mini red dress and opening a casino in Vegas. The last one seems to be the funnier, seriously. And no naked pretty girls dancing around poles in my casino. Only naked hot guys dancing around poles are allowed, lol!!!
Well, whatever. I mean, who cares if I’m getting new boobs and opening a casino? Oh, by the way, in my casino people can only drink champagne. Every other kind of drink isn’t allowed and that includes water.
Getting back to my apologize… I’m sharing a link (don’t worry, it ain’t virus) with a really cool apology that everyone will love, but, of course, specially the girls. All you need to do is click here and type your name in it. Then you wait while all the letters get white. Then you see my cutie apology :D
Oh, and I want to know if you girls think he’s hot. I don’t, but many do. In fact, they go crazy! Prepare yourselves!
I’m sure you’re forgiving me when you see it. Believe me.
Oh, and if you’ve read my previous post and you’re wondering if anyone from Breathe Carolina answered me yet, the answer is a big NO, unfortunately, to our sadness ;(
Take care sweet fans :D
Xoxo, Gossip Caah (is really sorry) :*

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